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Vêtements contre les arcs électriques
La valeur de performance thermique de l'arc (ATPV) est une mesure de la capacité d'un tissu à protéger un individu contre une brûlure due à l'exposition à l'énergie incidente résultant d'un arc électrique.
Plus précisément, l'ATPV d'un tissu fait référence à la quantité d'énergie incidente nécessaire pour qu'il y ait une probabilité de 50 % qu'un individu portant ce tissu subisse une brûlure au deuxième degré s'il est exposé à un arc électrique au point du tissu usé.
L'ATPV est l'une des deux valeurs utilisées pour déterminer l'indice d'arc d'un équipement de protection individuelle (EPI). L'autre valeur est le seuil d'ouverture énergétique (EBT). L'ATPV et l'EBT d'un tissu doivent être testés dans le cadre de son processus d'évaluation des arcs. La valeur la plus basse des deux (ATPV ou EBT) émise comme indice d'arc de l'EPI considéré, car cette valeur reflète le point auquel la capacité de protection du vêtement est susceptible d'échouer.
Pour s'assurer que l'EPI répond à l'exigence légale de l'employeur de fournir aux employés un EPI approprié dans les situations nécessitant un EPI résistant aux arcs, l'EPI utilisé doit avoir été testé conformément aux normes établies par ASTM International ou la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI). Les normes ASTM sont utilisées pour tester les EPI à utiliser aux États-Unis, tandis que les normes CEI sont utilisées dans le même but en Europe. Les organismes de normalisation ci-dessus décrivent comment le tissu doit être testé pour déterminer son ATPV conformément aux normes ASTM F1959 et CEI 61482-1, respectivement. Le seuil d'ouverture énergétique d'un tissu est déterminé à l'aide du même test et de la même norme.
Les vêtements anti-arc conformes aux normes ASTM ou CEI peuvent ne pas afficher l'ATPV s'il est supérieur à la valeur EBT. L'ATPV et l'EBT sont considérés comme étant également protecteurs pour les travailleurs
Bien que les deux valeurs (ATPV et EBT) puissent être rapportées, un seul indice d'arc est attribué au tissu.
Seule la valeur la plus basse sera utilisée sur l'étiquette du vêtement conformément à la spécification ASTM F1506... . Les tissus EBT sont généralement plus isolants que solides, et généralement les tissus ATPV sont plus solides qu'isolants.
Lorsque les vêtements de protection ARC Flash sont portés ensemble dans une combinaison en couches, l'EPI peut vous donner une valeur de protection totale supérieure à la somme de la valeur individuelle de chaque vêtement. Cela est dû à l'espace d'air entre chaque couche de tissu qui agit comme un isolant et augmente la protection.
Cette protection accrue est utile aux travailleurs qui ont besoin d'obtenir une protection supplémentaire lorsque cela est nécessaire pour certaines tâches.
Les directives NFPA 70E donneraient la meilleure explication de la façon dont la superposition de vos vêtements de protection contre les arcs et les flammes peut vous donner un niveau de protection requis :
(ou appelé arc, hrc ou pe)
Note – un casque, une visière et des gants adaptés aux arcs électriques sont également requis.
EPI Catégorie 1 : Indice d'arc minimum 4 cal/cm2
EPI CAT 1 représente le niveau le plus bas dans lequel les EPI Arc Flash sont requis. Nécessitant une seule couche d'EPI résistant aux arcs, les travailleurs ont besoin des vêtements suivants :
Vêtements requis : Chemise à manches longues contre les arcs électriques (ou veste) et pantalon ou combinaison contre les arcs électriques avec un indice d'arc minimal de 4 cal/cm2
Protection requise du visage et de la tête : Écran facial (avec protection "enveloppante"... c'est-à-dire cagoule) ou cagoule de combinaison Arc Flash
Comme requis: Veste Arc Flash, vêtements de pluie, parka, doublure de casque
En plus des vêtements AR, les produits suivants sont requis ou à utiliser au besoin :
Protection des mains requise : Gants en cuir robustes
EPI supplémentaire : Casque de sécurité, protection des yeux (lunettes, masques), protection auditive
Chaussure: Chaussures en cuir (au besoin).
Si vous avez besoin d'aide supplémentaire, contactez-nous à
ELIM : valeur limite d'énergie
Valeur numérique de l'énergie incidente attribuée à un produit, en dessous de laquelle il n'y a pas de point de données avec la quantité de chaleur transmise à travers le produit atteignant les critères de décrochage ou avec le produit présentant une rupture ouverte.
L'ELIM d'un matériau ou d'un assemblage de matériaux (vêtement) est calculé à partir de points de données obtenus en testant un ensemble d'échantillons de test, qui sont également utilisés pour la détermination de l'ATPV et/ou de l'EBT.
L'ELIM attribué à un vêtement ou à un assemblage de vêtement est égal ou inférieur à l'ELIM du matériau ou de l'assemblage de matériaux dont il est fait, selon que le ou les spécimens testés remplissent également des critères visuels supplémentaires de conception et d'évaluation des performances
(Moyenne des trois valeurs les plus élevées des points de données d'énergie incidente de la date. Réglé en dessous de la zone de mélange sans coupure ouverte et sans atteindre la courbe de Stoll)
Il s'agit d'un calcul de risque plus conservateur, tous les résultats pour le calcul d'ELIM sont pris en dessous de la probabilité de 50 % d'une brûlure de 2 degrés selon la courbe de Stoll.
Explication simple et compressée :
ELIM est le calcul conservateur du risque d'arc électrique. ELIM l'énergie incidente maximale qu'un vêtement de protection peut prévenir dans une situation dangereuse, avec 0 % de probabilité que suffisamment d'énergie traverse le vêtement pour provoquer une brûlure au deuxième degré.
ELIM a été introduit car l'opinion de l'UE était que 61842-1-1 pourrait être en conflit avec la directive de l'UE. Selon la directive, aucune norme ne peut imposer de préjudice à un travailleur.
Par cela, l'ATPV/EBT impose une probabilité de 50 % qu'un travailleur subisse une brûlure au deuxième degré lors d'une exposition à un arc électrique. Cela signifie que le travailleur aura statistiquement des brûlures une fois sur deux.
C'est cette chance de 50 % qu'ELIM a éliminé.
Comment si cela affectera l'utilisation marquée et pratique dans un plan d'évaluation des risques pour les travaux électriques dans l'UE n'est pas clair à 100%, mais il y a des discussions en cours sur l'intégration de l'évaluation des risques d'arc électrique NFPA 70E dans la norme EN 50110 Fonctionnement des installations électriques .
LOI est une méthode de mesure technique et scientifique qui définit l'inflammabilité. C'est la concentration minimale d'oxygène, exprimée en pourcentage, qui favorisera la combustion d'un polymère/fibre/textile. Il est mesuré en faisant passer un mélange d'oxygène et d'azote sur un échantillon en combustion et en réduisant le niveau d'oxygène jusqu'à ce qu'un niveau critique soit atteint.
Limitation de l'indice d'oxygène (LOI) est le paramètre le plus fréquemment utilisé pour caractériser les améliorations de l'ignifugation des tissus de protection.
Un tissu décrit comme traité sera fabriqué à partir de fibres qui ne sont pas ignifuges par nature, mais auxquelles un produit chimique a été appliqué ou qui ont subi un processus chimique pour leur ajouter de la résistance au feu.
Si un tissu est intrinsèquement ignifuge, sa capacité à vous protéger de la chaleur et des flammes provient des fibres du tissu elles-mêmes.
L'essence même du polo, de la combinaison, du pantalon ou de la veste est - à la base - ignifuge car ces propriétés font partie du polymère à partir duquel il est fabriqué.
Il détermine l'indice de protection contre les arcs du matériau ou du vêtement en utilisant un arc contraint et dirigé :
La classe 1 offre une protection contre les arc 4 kA (168 kJ)
La classe 2 offre une protection contre les arcs électriques 7 kA (320 kJ)
Classe se rapporte à la norme européenne IEC 61482-1-2 – Classe 1 ou Classe 2 :
Classe 1 offre une protection contre les arc 4kA (168kJ)
Classe 2 offre une protection contre les arc 7kA (320kJ).
La catégorie peut être liée aux catégories NFPA 70E.
Tous les vêtements avec un indice d'arc (AR) sont ignifuges (FR), mais tous les vêtements FR n'ont pas un indice d'arc.
Le FR était traditionnellement considéré comme une protection générique contre les flammes à un certain niveau, mais ce n'est pas le cas pour certains tissus. AR indique qu'un vêtement a un indice d'arc et que le niveau de protection a été déterminé par des tests.
Les tissus des vêtements de protection individuelle sont soumis à un test de flamme verticale pour mesurer et observer la réponse des matériaux à la chaleur et à la flamme dans des conditions contrôlées.
Il y a deux raisons principales de porter des vêtements FR :
Allumage - L'EPI FR est porté pour se protéger contre l'inflammation dans une situation de danger d'arc électrique. Lorsqu'un arc électrique enflamme un vêtement non résistant aux flammes, le porteur peut être gravement blessé par le vêtement en feu.
Un vêtement peut continuer à brûler, augmentant l'étendue des blessures pour le porteur, et peut même causer des blessures internes, y compris des lésions des voies respiratoires et des poumons dans certains cas. Le port de vêtements FR aide à réduire les brûlures et contient des brûlures à la surface du corps directement liées à la zone d'origine.
Isolation - Les vêtements ignifuges offrent au porteur une isolation contre les degrés de brûlure les plus élevés (2e et 3e degrés) à travers les vêtements et peuvent atténuer l'impact sur la zone directement touchée par l'incident.
L'indice d'arc et la résistance aux flammes sont deux choses différentes mais sont souvent confondues car elles vont de pair. Vous ne pouvez pas avoir un indice d'arc sans que le matériau soit résistant aux flammes.
Selon les normes d'évaluation de l'arc (ASTM F1506, ASTM F1959, IEC61482-2, IEC 61482-1-1 Méthode A et IEC 61482-1-1 Méthode B), il est indispensable que les vêtements ignifuges (FR) avant qu'ils ne puissent même être testé pour définir son indice d'arc.
Il est crucial que vous lisiez les étiquettes des vêtements et des équipements avant d'acheter et de spécifier une norme à respecter. Si un risque d'arc électrique est apparent, l'étiquette AR doit être présente sur tout EPI. Choisir un vêtement étiqueté FR ne sera pas une protection suffisante en cas d'arc électrique.
Les vêtements de protection contre les arcs électriques doivent être portés lorsque vous travaillez sur ou à proximité d'électricité sous tension ou potentiellement sous tension.
In the event of an arc flash heat will transfer through Arc Flash clothing and in some cases, enough heat could transfer through to melt some synthetic materials resulting in a burn injury.
Never wear synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon, or spandex underneath your arc-rated clothing.
If your Arc Flash Clothing is made from inherent fibres e.g. modacrylic or aramids then you have an unlimited wash capability regardless of how the garment is or has been laundered. IF your Arc Flash clothing is constructed with majority cotton fibres with a chemical applied to give the Arc flash protection then you must follow the garment care labels VERY carefully.
Treated garments typically have a life time on the number of washes that can be conducted before the chemical properties and protection have deteriorated, otherwise the washing with certain laundry softeners and bleaches will react with the chemical fabric protection causing a deterioration in protection offered.
By determining the maximum duration of a potential arc, the potential energy level from arc flash, whether it will take place in an open or enclosed space and the flash protection boundary within which PPE will be required, you can find out what PPE you will be required to supply and train staff on its correct use.
Determine PPE level
There are two basic methods of determining the arc rating: tables or incident energy calculations. NFPA 70E contains hazard category classification tables listing job tasks and voltage parameters, and shows the appropriate PPE rating and flash protection boundary for each.
Incident energy is a measure of thermal energy at a working distance from an arc fault. The unit of incident energy is cal/cm2. The working distance is the distance from where the worker stands to the flash location. The selected PPE arc rating shall be based on the incident energy exposure.
The arc flash boundary is the minimum “safe” distance from exposed energised conductors or circuit parts that has the potential for an arc flash.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) uses four ArcFlash PPE Categories to classify ranges of arc flash hazards, and the corresponding requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The categories are one of the methods used in the current NFPA 70E standard to inform workers about the protection they need while working on energised equipment. The Arc Flash PPE Category system replaces the Hazard/Risk Category (HRC) system from the 2012 edition of the standard.
For most equipment, this is simply a label warning qualified persons that there is a potential arc flash hazard present.
Electrical Hazard (EH), Anti-Static & Electrostatic Dissipative (ESD) Safety Boots.
Electrical hazard (EH) rated safety boots are ISOLATING safety boots meaning they provide a secondary source of protection for you from electric shocks or electrocution.
The difference in protection is that Electrical Hazard shoes reduce the possibility of electric shock or electrocution, while Static Dissipating and Conductive shoes reduce the possibility of static discharge and static shock.
A fabric's arc rating is a measure of the amount of energy that it can absorb before the energy penetrates or moves through it with enough force to carry a 50% probability of causing a second-or third-degree burn. The value of an arc rating is measured in units of calories/cm2.
While utilizing the hierarchy of risk controls, such as lock-out/tag-out procedures, to put equipment in an electrically safe work condition, those working on energised electrical equipment should always wear Arc Flash(AR)/flame resistant (FR) personal protective equipment (PPE) on a job site to help mitigate injuries
Doing work on or near energised, or potentially energised equipment, threatens employees with danger from electric shock/ electrocution and arc flash.
To protect themselves from injury, or even death, workers should wear Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) as their last line of defence.
When it comes to keeping your PPE clean, there are some things that you can do to both protect and prolong the life and shape of the garment(s).
- Do not use fabric conditioners (softener). It can coat the garment and compromise inherent Flame Retardant properties.
- Do not bleach. This will not affect inherent protection, but can reduce garment quality and appearance.
- Do not use detergent containing bleach, optical whiteners or very strong chemicals. We recommend using Non-Bio liquid detergent.
- Ensure all fastenings, zips etc are closed prior to washing.
- Wash STRATA® garments separately from other items of clothing.
- Wash STRATA® garments by type, i.e tops together.
- Do not wash light and dark coloured garments together.
- Wash at the recommended temperature as advised on STRATA® wash care label.
- Wash extremely soiled garments separately.
- Grease stained garments should be pre-treated before washing, dry cleaning can be more effective
For more information on our recommended washing instructions click here, alternatively, get in touch with us on live chat, or via email at
Standards & Legislation
Within the UK and Europe it is not explicitly stated that arc flash protective clothing is a legal requirement but there is a lot of guidance that would include the use of Arc Flash ProtectiveClothing and in a court of law it will be interpreted as being unlawful if adequate PPE was not provided when an arc risk is present.
Some references:
Healthand Safety at Work etc Act 1974 – legislation explained (
The Enforcement Notices that cite the Health and Safety at Work Act refer to breaches of the following provisions:
2/1: It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.
3/1: It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety.
TheElectricity at Work Regulations 1989. Guidance on Regulations (
The Enforcement Notices that cite the Electricity at Work Regulations refer to breaches of the following
4: (1) All systems shall at all times be of such construction as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, danger.
(2) As may be necessary to prevent danger, all systems shall be maintained so as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, such danger.
3) Every work activity, including operation, use and maintenance of a system and work near a system, shall be carried out in such a manner as not to give rise, so far as is reasonably practicable, to danger.
6: Electrical equipment which may reasonably foreseeably be exposed to–
(a) mechanical damage;
(b) the effects of the weather, natural hazards, temperature or pressure;
(c) the effects of wet, dirty, dusty or corrosive conditions; or
d) any flammable or explosive substance, including dusts, vapours or gases,
shall be of such construction or as necessary protected as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, danger arising from such exposure.
14: No person shall be engaged in any work activity on or so near any live conductor (other than one suitably covered with insulating material so as to prevent danger) that danger may arise unless–
(a) it is unreasonable in all the circumstances for it to be dead; and
(b) it is reasonable in all the circumstances for him to be at work on or near it while it is live; and
(c) suitable precautions (including where necessary the provision of suitable protective equipment) are taken to prevent injury.
16: No person shall be engaged in any work activity where technical knowledge or experience is necessary to prevent danger or, where appropriate, injury, unless he possesses such knowledge or experience, or is under such degree of supervision as may be appropriate having regard to the nature of the work.
HSE - Mining: Mines Regulations 2014
11: The mine operator must ensure that—
(a) no person undertakes any work at the mine unless the person either is competent to do that work or does so under the instruction and supervision of some other person who is competent to give instruction in, and to supervise, the doing of that work; and
(b) no work is undertaken at the mine unless a sufficient number of persons are present who have the requisite competence to perform the tasks assigned to them.
15: The mine operator must—
(a) prepare and keep up to date a suitable written scheme for the systematic inspection, maintenance and testing of all electrical and mechanical plant and equipment at the mine, with a view to ensuring the health and safety of the persons at work in the mine;
(b) ensure that, where appropriate, suitable written reports are made of the inspections and that each report records significant defects and the steps taken, or proposed to be taken, to remedy them; and
(c) ensure that any proposed steps in a report are taken, provided they are appropriate.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (
The Enforcement Notices that cite the Management ofHealth & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 refer to breaches of the following Regulations:
3: (1) Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of—
(a) the risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work; and
(b) the risks to the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him of his undertaking,…..
Construction- Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (
The Enforcement Notices that cite the Construction(Design and Management) Regulations 2015 refer to breaches of the followingRegulations:
25: (1) Where necessary to prevent danger, energy distribution installations must be suitably located, periodically checked and clearly indicated.
(2) Where there is a risk to construction work from overhead electric power cables—
(a) they must be directed away from the area of risk; or
(b) the power must be isolated and, where necessary, earthed.
(3) If it is not reasonably practicable to comply with paragraph (2)(a) or (b), suitable warning notices must be provided together with one or more of the following—
(a) barriers suitable for excluding work equipment which is not needed;
(b) suspended protections where vehicles need to pass beneath the cables; or
(c) measures providing an equivalent level of safety.
(4) Construction work which is liable to create a risk to health or safety from an underground service, or from damage to or disturbance of it, must not be carried out unless suitable and sufficient steps(including any steps required by this regulation) have been taken to prevent the risk, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Electricity at work: Safe working practices HSG85 (
Page 14 Decide whether suitable precautions can be taken to prevent injury32 Providing the requirements above have been met, live working can still only be justified if suitable precautions are taken to prevent injury arising from the hazards identified in the risk assessment. The precautions should have been identified in the risk assessment and might include:
■ installing temporary insulation, protective enclosures, or screens toprevent parts at different potentials being touched at the same time;
■ using temporary barriers with warning notices affixed to keep unauthorised people away from the work area;
■ ensuring that adequate clearances are established and maintained when working near to live equipment (see Appendix 3 of the Memorandum andSection 729 of BS 7671:2008 (+A1:2011) for information on clearances). For work near live overhead power lines, see GS6 Avoiding danger from overhead power lines;13
■ making sure that workers understand the task and the system to be worked on(clarity of instructions is essential), are trained and experienced, and follow the correct procedures. They must be competent to realise their own limitations and know when to seek help;
■ providing lighting and working space that is adequate and free from trip hazards. Further details on lighting at work can be found in HSG38 Lighting at work;14
■ using robust and properly insulated tools (see BS EN 6090015);
■ using test instruments with insulated probes and fused leads (see GS38Electrical test equipment for use by electricians16);
■ maintaining tools and test equipment in good condition and replacing them if damaged;
■ storing tools correctly – horizontal surfaces and projections inside control cabinets should not be used – and ensuring that objects such as tools and bolts cannot fall onto exposed live parts;
■ avoiding lone live working. Quick action is needed in the event of an electric shock to disconnect the supply and give assistance, so it will usually be necessary to be accompanied by someone who is competent to make the system safe and avoid injury;
■ providing and using correct personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce the risk of contact with live parts or earth, eg insulating gloves, insulating matting(see BS EN 61111:2009). If there is a risk of burns from arcing or flashover that cannot be avoided, consider the use of adequately rated, thermally insulating, flame-resistant PPE (including face/eye protection). PPE should be frequently inspected and replaced if damaged. Requirements relating to PPE are covered by the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
Keeping electrical switchgear safe HSG230 (
Electrical safety and you: A brief guide (INDG231(rev1)) (
Electrical switchgear safety: A guide for owners and users (
Avoiding danger from underground services HSG47 (
Electrical test equipment for use by electricians GS38 (
Safety in electrical testing at work (
Arc flash protection (
BS 7671 -18th Edition - IET Wiring Regulations (
The requirements of this chapter are intended to provide for the safety of persons, livestock and property against dangers and damage which may arise in the reasonable use of electrical installations. The requirements to provide for the safety of livestock are applicable in locations intended for them.
In electrical installations, risk of injury may result from:
i) shock currents
(ii)excessive temperatures likely to cause burns, fires and other injurious effects
(iii)ignition of a potentially explosive atmosphere
(iv)under voltages, over voltages and electromagnetic disturbances likely to cause or result in injury or damage
(v)mechanical movement of electrically actuated equipment, in so far as such injury is intended to be prevented
by electrical emergency switching or by electrical switching for mechanical maintenance of non-electrical
parts of such equipment
(vi) power supply interruptions and/or interruption of safety services
(vii)arcing or burning, likely to cause blinding effects, excessive pressure and/or toxic gases
BS EN 61936-1. Power installations exceeding 1 kVa.c.. Common rules
IEC61482-2, Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc
BS EN61243-3 Live working. Voltage detectors. Two-pole low-voltage type British Standards Institution
BS EN61010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use British Standards Institution
BS EN50110-1:2013 Operation of electrical installations. General requirements
In Europe any PPE sold must meet the requirements of the PPE directive89/686/EEC. This is implemented in the UK as part of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (2002).
It details the categories that PPE conforms to and how their performance and production should be controlled. Arc Flash protective clothing is"Category III" PPE and must be type approved and the continuing quality of the product must be fully audited over the garment's life.
This is the regulation under which a CE mark may be issued. A CE mark may not be applied to Arc Flash clothing unless both Type Approval (Article 10)and an Assessment of production Quality (Article 11A or 11B). Without these documents Arc Flash PPE may not be sold.
Arc Flash clothing is now built to meet the requirements of several new and updated technical specifications and standards. The key ones being:
BS EN 61482-1-1 This Test Method covers the "open" or unconstrained arc testing of material and garments. The result of this testing is an "ArcRating", commonly given as an Arc Thermal Performance Value (ATPV) or Break open Threshold Energy (EBT50). This is usually given in units of calories per square centimetre (cal/cm2). The test method requires that BOTH materials and garments produced from them must be tested before they may be CE marked.This is the same method employed in ASTM F1959 for fabric in the USA.
BS EN 61482-1-2 This Test Method covers the "box" or constrained arc testing of material and garments. The result of this testing is a"protection class", either Class 1 (4000 Amps) or Class 2 (8000Amps). With only 2 basic levels this is a very coarse method of assessing arc protection and the UK technical committee responsible for these standards suggests BS EN61482-1-1 is the better test method. The test method requires that BOTH materials and garments produced from them must be tested before they may be CE marked.
IEC 61482-2 An international standard that hasn't yet been"harmonised" across Europe due to disagreements or misunderstandings about the way that the "arc rating" is calculated in EN61482-1-1 tests. IEC61482-2 is a technical specification that defines how to build Arc Flash garments. It does not cover hand wear, headwear or footwear.
BS EN ISO 11612 An international standard covering clothing that protects against heat and flame.The requirements of this standard provide a good foundation and construction guidelines for Arc Flash clothing and so should always be used. As with the Arc Flash test methods, completed garments should be assessed for performance not just the constituent fabrics. Code Letters are applied that define the type of heat and flame with which a garment has been tested.
BS EN 61482-1-1 This Test Method covers the "open" or unconstrained arctesting of material and garments. The result of this testing is an "ArcRating", commonly given as an Arc Thermal Performance Value (ATPV) or Break open Threshold Energy (EBT50). This is usually given in units of calories per square centimetre (cal/cm2). The test method requires that BOTH materials and garments produced from them must be tested before they may be CE marked.This is the same method employed in ASTM F1959 for fabric in the USA.
BS EN 61482-1-2 This Test Method covers the "box" or constrained arc testing of material and garments. The result of this testing is a"protection class", either Class 1 (4000 Amps) or Class 2 (8000Amps). With only 2 basic levels this is a very coarse method of assessing arc protection and the UK technical committee responsible for these standards suggests BS EN61482-1-1 is the better test method. The test method requires that BOTH materials and garments produced from them must be tested before they may be CE marked.
IEC 61482-2 An international standard that hasn't yet been"harmonised" across Europe due to disagreements or misunderstandings about the way that the "arc rating" is calculated in EN61482-1-1 tests. IEC61482-2 is a technical specification that defines how to build Arc Flash garments. It does not cover hand wear, headwear or footwear.
Arc Flash Standards & Test Methods
ASTM F1506: Standard Performance Specification for Textile Material for Wearing Apparel for Use by Electrical Workers Exposed to Momentary Electric Arc and Related Thermal Hazards.
This is the governing ASTM Standard for Flame Resistant Clothing. The standard has two basic requirements:
A sample of fabric must self-extinguish with less than 2 second after flame and less than 6″ char length according to ASTM Test Method D6413. This flammability test applies to an initial sample and after 25 wash cycles.
The fabric must be tested for Arc Thermal Performance according to ASTM Test Method F1959. The results of the Arc Thermal Performance testing must be reported to the end user as an Arc Rating on a garment label.
Different colours of the same fabric do not need to be tested separately.
A garment that meets ASTM F1506 complies with OSHA 1910.269, NESC, and NFPA 70E. ASTM F1506 is a pass/fail standard with requirements for reporting additional information not considered for the pass/fail criteria. All garments compliant to ASTM F1506 must be labeled with a tracking code, a statement that the garment meets the requirements of ASTM F1506, the manufacturer’s name, size information, care instructions, fibre content and the arc rating
ASTM F1891: Standard Specification for Arc Resistant Rainwear:
This is the governing ASTM Standard for Flame Resistant Rainwear. The following are requirements of ASTM F1891:
A sample of fabric must self-extinguish with <2second after flame and <6″ char length according to ASTM Test Method D6413.
In contrast to ASTM F1506, ASTM F1891 requires that each different colour of the same fabric be tested.
The fabric must be tested for Arc ThermalPerformance according to ASTM Test Method F1959. The results of the Arc ThermalPerformance testing must be reported to the end user as an Arc Rating on a garment label. Rainwear that meets ASTM F1891 complies with OSHA 1910.269. ASTM F1891 is a pass/fail standard with requirements for reporting information not considered for the pass/fail criteria. All garments that meet the requirements of ASTM F1891 must state so on a garment label.
Material must withstand water pressure of 30 psig without leaking. The seams of the rainwear must not exhibit any evidence of leakage when exposed to water at 3 psig for (2) two minutes.
Material shall have a trapezoidal tear resistance of 6 lbs. in the warp direction and 6 lbs. in the fill direction.
Materials attached to the rainwear shall be permanent and electrically non-conductive, and shall not degrade the performance of the rainwear.
Rainwear material shall be flame resistant and shall not melt and drip when tested in accordance with ASTM D6413-08 and shall exhibit no more than a 2 second after flame time and less than a 6” char length
ASTM F1958: Standard Test Method for Determining Ignitability forClothing by Electric Arc Exposure Using a Mannequin
The ASTM F1958 test method provides a way to visually evaluate finished garments, since the F1959 arc rating test uses small fabric samples, not complete garments. The manikins do not have thermal sensors under the garments, and they do not predict burn injury. This method is primarily used to provide a qualitative view of performance, especially for buttons, zippers, logos, trim, reflective tape, and other garment components or design features beyond the FR fabric itself
ASTM F1959: Standard Test Method for Determining Arc Thermal Performance(Value) of Textile Materials for Clothing by Electric Arc and Related Thermal Hazards
ASTM F1959 is the test method used to calculate quantitative results (arc ratings) for FR fabrics. Arc ratings are a measure of thermal protection provided by the fabric in an arc flash.
The purpose of this test method is to determine how much heat a certain fabric (or system of fabrics) will block from an electric arc before the onset of second degree burns for the wearer.
The amount of energy blocked by the fabric is reported as Arc Thermal Performance Value (commonly abbreviated as ATPV). The value is reported as Energy Break open Threshold (EBT) if the fabric breaks open before the onset of second degree burns is reached.
Heat Attenuation Factor (the percentage of total heat blocked by the fabric from reaching the sensor) is also determined.
Test results from ASTM F1959 must be reported for all garments that meet ASTM F1506 or ASTM F1891.Additionally, ASTM F1959 is used to determine a pass/fail criteria for ASTM F1891.
NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
OSHA 1910.269: The Operation and Maintenance of Electric Power Generation, Control, Transformation, Transmission and Distribution Lines and Equipment.
NFPA 70E addresses electrical safety requirements necessary to safeguard employees during activities such as the installation, operation, maintenance, and demolition of electric conductors, electric equipment, signalling and communications conductors and equipment, and raceways.
In regards to work practices and electrical system maintenance, NFPA 70E provides key information that is lacking in the National Electric Code(NEC). While the NEC is useful for those responsible for maintenance and engineering of electrical equipment, NFPA 70E is a voluntary standard purposely geared toward workers and employers to understand and implement safety precautions. While OSHA uses the General Duty Clause as the basis for citations, OSHA commonly cites information from NFPA 70E for support in order to enforce compliance regarding electrical safety.
Exclusions: A few industries are excluded from NFPA 70E: electric utility transmission, distribution and generation workers (who are covered byOSHA 1910.269), as well as the marine, railway rolling stock, and mining industry. Despite the exclusion, many of these industries protect workers with flame resistant (FR) clothing as a general practice.
System Classes: NFPA 70E breaks all electrical procedures into five classes and assigns minimum FR clothing layers and performance characteristics for each class based on the hazard present.
Historically there were five classes, but the 2015 edition eliminated category “0,” leaving four categories.
The classes were formally called Hazard Risk Categories (HRC), but the 2015 edition of the standard changed the terminology to PPE Category (CAT).
Other practical recommendations made within NFPA 70E address commonly asked questions:
Underlayers. Meltable fibres such as acetate, nylon, polyester, polypropylene and spandex shall not be permitted in fabric underlayers (underwear) next to the skin. “Informational Note No. 1: Arc-rated garments… generally provide a higher system arc rating than non melting, flammable fibre underlayers. “Informational Note No. 2: Arc-rated underwear or undergarments…generally provide a higher system arc rating than non melting, flammable fibre underwear or undergarments used as underlayers” (NFPA 70E-2012 p.33).
Layering. “Non melting, flammable fibre garments shall be permitted to be used as underlayers in conjunction with arc-rated garments in a layered system for added protection. If non melting, flammable fiber garments are used as underlayers, the system arc rating shall be sufficient to prevent break open of the innermost arc-rated layer at the expected arc exposure incident energy level to prevent ignition of flammable underlayers. Garments that are not ArcFlash shall not be permitted to be used to increase the arc rating of a garment or of a clothing system” (NFPA 70E p. 32).
Coverage. “Clothing shall cover potentially exposed areas as completely as possible. Shirt sleeves shall be fastened at the wrist and shirts and jackets shall be closed at the neck” (NFPA 70E-2012, p. 33).
Fit. “Tight-fitting clothing shall be avoided. Loose-fitting clothing provides additional thermal insulation because of air spaces. Arc-rated apparel shall fit properly such that it does not interfere with the work task” (NFPA 70E-2012, p.33).
The most recent update to NFPA 70E is the 2015 edition. Changes of note related to flame resistant protective apparel include:
Elimination of Category 0: This category allowed non-FR but non-melting fabrics such as flammable cotton; it has been removed. Any situation with an arc flash hazard now requires Arc Flash FR clothing.
HRC Category renamed PPE Category: this change is semantic only; the math and logic did not change, but the name was changed to better reflect the purpose. Expect to see external labelling which used to say “HRC 2” move to“Cat 2.”
Addition of a yes/no chart to determine if an arc flash hazard exists — Table 130.7(C)(15)(A)(a) identifies when arc flash PPE is required.
Conductive articles are not permitted to cross the “restricted approach boundary”
Mining industry is now covered by 70E: the mining exemption in the scope was removed
Changes of note related to FR in the previous edition, published in 2012, included:
New terminology (Arc-Rated): Flame resistant (FR) has been changed to “arc-rated (AR)” in regard to personal protective equipment (PPE) throughout the standard.
Arc flash calculations in Annex D now align with the 2012 version of the NESC.
Hazard/risk category tables have been changed to include short-circuit current, fault clearing time, and potential arc flash boundary in each of the major equipment categories instead of in specific notes at the end of the table.
Head Protection Requirement:
Hazards Less than 12 cal/cm2: An arc-rated hood or balaclava with an arc-rated face shield must be used when the back of the head is exposed within the arc flash boundary when the hazard is between 1.2cal/cm2 and 12cal/cm2.
Hazards Greater than 12 cal/cm2: An Arc Flash hood alone must be used for hazards greater than 12 cal/cm2.
DC Voltages: Historically, NFPA 70E has focused primarily on AC(alternating current) voltages. The 2012 NFPA 70E includes more information about calculating and protecting against DC (direct current) voltages. Table130.4(C) (b) is used for calculating distances for system voltages.
Arc flash boundary: A specific boundary is now listed under a new column for each task. This addition aligns with the deletion of the “four foot.rule” in the 2009 Edition.
Building Clarification: Section 90.2(A) (4) has been revised to say, “Installations used by the electric utility, such as office buildings, warehouses, garages, machine shops and recreational buildings.” This deletion clarifies that NFPA 70E applies to these areas, even if they are part of a generating plant, substation or control center.
Arc Flash Study
An Arc Flash Risk Assessment or Arc Flash Hazard Study / Analysis is a calculation performed by Professional Engineer to determine the thermal incident energy found at each location which determines the various arc flash boundaries and what personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used in approaching each boundary.
The short circuit study determines if all equipment is within OSHA standard 1910.303 (b)(4). An Arc Flash Study / Analysis should only be performed by experienced and qualified electrical engineers knowledgeable in power system engineering, IEEE 1584, NFPA 70E, short circuit, device coordination and arc flash studies.
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